Dog Wheelchairs: An Overview

Dog wheelchairs serve as a viable mobility solution for canines that suffer from hip dysplasia, arthritis, spinal problems, and other health conditions that make it difficult to walk, run, and play. Pets of all sizes can adapt to using properly fitted wheelchairs with relative ease, allowing them to get the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy.

For dogs who have degenerative conditions, the use of a mobility chair is recommended even before they lose the ability to walk.

This is because wheelchairs help to maintain muscle tone in your pet's front and rear legs and allow for more intense exercise.

Pet wheelchairs can be custom-made to your dog’s measurements, weight, and activity level for optimal usability. Ready-made, fully adjustable mobility chairs are also available.

If your dog is recovering from surgery or an injury and needs mobility assistance for short-term use, you can rent or lease a canine wheelchair. There are dog wheel chairs that offer front support, rear support, and quad support.

Front Support and Rear Support Canine Wheelchairs

Front support wheel chairs are for dogs that have fully-functional rear limbs but limited use or no use of their front limbs.

Front support mobility chairs typically have four to six wheels located in the front. Rear support chairs, which feature two wheels that support the hind legs, are designed for dogs with hind-leg disability.

Quad Wheelchairs

Quad wheel chairs are for dogs that require more assistance than that which regular wheelchairs provide. Quad wheel chairs support the front and hind legs.

They are made for dogs that have front and hind leg disability and balance issues as well as dogs that require rehabilitation after cervical disc injury or surgery.

Dogs that have progressive loss of hind limb function extending to the forelimbs can use a quad-support wheelchair with a front wheel extension.

In this case, the forelimbs must at least be moderately strong. Dogs with an advanced loss of forelimb and hind limb function should use fully supportive quad wheelchairs.


Some canine wheelchair providers allow you to request modifications of their products if your dog has special needs. For example, a wheelchair’s design can be modified if your dog is an amputee, has deformed limbs, or has a tumor.

For more information on wheelchairs for dogs, please click on the articles below.

More on Dog Wheelchairs
Enabling Mobility for Your Pet
Finding a Dog Wheelchair Supplier

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March 28, 2025

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