How to Select the Right
Electric Wheelchair Lift

An electric wheelchair lift installed in your vehicle can help you easily transport your wheelchair or scooter for greater independence. With a fully-assisted power model, the lift can be operated easily with a touch of a button.

There are generally two options available for installation and storage of a mobility lift in your vehicle. One type of model is equipped to electronically fold into the trunk of a car or the back of a van. The lift is then out of sight once stored. The second type of lift is attached to the back of your vehicle and readily visible at all times.

Find a seller who has the expertise to help you select a wheel chair lift model that will be most practical for your automobile, truck, van, or minivan.

Although lifts are relatively easy to install, many sellers recommend that a professional mobility technician or auto mechanic perform this task for you. This helps ensure proper installation and safety. Keep in mind that electric wheelchair and scooter lifts may require drilling into the trunk or storage space of your vehicle. Wiring of the unit may involve connecting it to your vehicle's battery.  

Medicare and most major insurance companies do not cover the purchase of a wheel chair lift. However, some automobile manufacturers may offer a meaningful reimbursement on the cost with a newly purchased or leased vehicle.

Also ask about rebates and special offers before making a purchase decision.

Related Information - Electric Wheelchair Lift

Wheelchair Lifts: An Overview
Wheelchair Van Lift -- Purchase Considerations
Home Wheelchair Lifts
Vertical Wheel Chair Platform Lifts
Types of Scooter Lifts
Lift Chairs
Platform Lifts
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More on Wheel Chair Lifts

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